Day 37 : {Incomplete Story}

February 6 : Choose your adventure Write a story or post with an open ending, and let your readers invent the conclusion.’

In a place, unheard and unseen,
once lived a fairy queen,
with her fragile wings,
her spotless beautiful face,
gliding through the clouds,
singing songs of joy and serenity…

In a place, wretched and wicked,
once lived a devil king,
with his teeth protruding out,
his scary face full of scars,
destroying everything he hates,
spreading havoc everywhere…

unknown of each other’s existence,
in a separate time and space, they lived,
passing their life in their own world,
but, fate always love to twist its tale,
for one unfortunate day, along with the wind,
she drifted far away from her land,
but, how innocent was she,
instead of feeling scared and frustrated,
she kept on singing her beautiful songs,
enjoying her new destiny.

But, how evil, was this twist in fate,
for the land she landed upon,
was the sanctuary of the evil king,
unknown of her future in this evil place,

Anyone who reads this should complete it… if not I’ll complete is at the end of the month…

We Do Move On

Many times we are faced with things and situations which make us choose between leaving something and sticking to it. Be it people, be it things, be it your dreams or anything. The decision itself is difficult but the phase after it is more difficult. Decisions can be made within a burst of an impulse but the consequences are the ones which are difficult to handle.

Often times we think, we cannot move on. We think this pain is too much, there is no relief. We think we will forever live with this hurtful feelings. Nothing is going to change. We miss the things we left behind. We miss “being left behind”. We feel sick to our stomach for days, for months and ever for years. We are just not able to move on.

But wait, are we not able to move on OR are we not ready to move on? Many times, in fact, most of the times we cling to our pasts, the memories, the hurtful feelings and we stick to them. We don’t want to leave them. Yes, we say we want to move on but deep down we still dwell into the scenario where we were hurt. We keep on remembering those hurtful things and we co relate every thing around us, which is in the present or in the future, with those past memories. Sometimes we remain in those situations and do not step out of them and then we wonder why are we not able to move on?

Time doesn’t heal, it is just we forget things. Forget those memories and people and then we only get hurt when we remember the past again. So why bother remembering it at the first place? Forget it. Accept and forget whatever happened. It is hard to forget at first but once we stop to dwell in our memories it is easy to forget things.

If we can just accept the situation and make ourselves believe that “Yes, it happened and I can do nothing about it.” then we can move on but our attitude is “Why this happened to me?”. To be honest, there is not answer to this why and the more you ask yourself this question the harder it would be for you to move on in life. But, once you sincerely decide to move on, forgetting all the cravings of feeling hurt and sad, you will easily move on.

And it wasn’t my fault. I didn’t ask you to take your life away. You did it. You couldn’t control yourself. You couldn’t deal with the situation. Who said we couldn’t talk? Who said I wasn’t ready to forget? Why did you then do this? Why did you choose to sleep 6 feet under? Why do I have to suffer each day, feeling guilty, of not taking the lead and saying sorry? Why do I have to die each day whilst living this haunted life. Why? It is all your fault that I am left alone with no meanings attached to my life… It is all your fault.. Stop blaming me with your memories. Go away. Just, leave me alone. It is all your fault…. 

I wish some things would had never happened in my life. I wish I would had never committed some of those mistakes. I wish I had reacted in certain situations better. I wish I had some control over my emotions. I wish, I wish and I keep on wishing but then I just accept everything.

I accept all my flaws. I accept that I suck at few things. I accept that there are many things which I could had done better but darn! I messed them up. I accept everything because this is what makes me “Me”.

All my flaws, my mistakes, my bad experiences, my stupid reactions, my irrelevant statements. All these patches make my life beautiful. I cannot imagine myself without all these broken lines of fate.

This is me, many have accepted me as I am and many have blatantly rejected me. But, at the end of the day, I have accepted myself with all my shortcomings and that’s all that matters. Period.